[Ponte Alto] Harp&Drum Changes

Barbara Bilodeau acarthew at cox.net
Mon Jun 9 16:29:10 PDT 2003

Good evening!
Tomorrow night, Tuesday June 10, will be sort of an end of an era.  This
will be the last regularly scheduled practice of the Harp & Drum Corps held
at the home of Mistress Allasondrea de Fano.

With Allasondrea's move to a new home (fortunately, still in Ponte Alto!)
we're relocating the weekly practices to homes more central to the group.
After tomorrow's practice, we'll have some specific, sporadic practices this
summer before breaking for Pennsic.  When we resume practices after Pennsic,
we'll practice at Baron Corun's home.

Mistress Allasondrea starting hosting our group when Mistress Maeve and Lord
Maelgwyn were preparing to leave our Kingdom.  I don't recall exactly, but
that was in either 1994 or 1995, meaning she has hosted a (roughly) WEEKLY
practice for over eight years.

Please join me in thanking Mistress Allasondrea for hosting us for so long.

By the way - if you play an instrument and would be interested in joining
us, new members are ALWAYS welcome.  This summer might be a good time to
dust the instruments off and get ready to jump in after Pennsic. Contact me
if you want some help!  We've got lots of performances that are already
getting on the schedule!


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