[Ponte Alto] University Injury

Kerri Martinsen kerrimart at mindspring.com
Sun Jun 8 10:21:04 PDT 2003

Greeting in the tavern.

I would like to say thank you to everyone that helped me and Jamie on
Saturday at University.  For those who wish to know, here is the gist of
what happened:

Jamie cut off part of the pad of her left ring finger.  The upper joint and
nail are fine - a tiny tip of the bone was damaged, but by God's grace,
there was a pediatric hand surgeon on hand at the emergency room.  She will
not lose any mobility of the finger, but it may be shorter and slightly
flatter than "normal".

She we quite the trooper at the hospital and is adjusting well to having
limited use of one hand.  The splint should come off by next Friday.
She is currently running around and getting into more trouble - as usual.

I can't say thank you enough to everyone that retrieved my items, for my
class students that followed me to make sure I had my purse and diaper bag
for the hospital, for my class for plugging on without me (and cleaning up
the mess), and a special thank you to Catalina for driving out to the
hospital to pick me and Jamie up.  I knew I didn't need to worry about
anything that was left at the school - I knew it would be safe and taken
care of.  It made a difficult situation easier to handle.

On a tangent:

When my car was packed up for me, an iron that was in the room was believed
to be mine.  It is not.  If anyone knows who it belongs to or if it needs to
get back to the school, please let me know.

I would also love to see any pictures of the shibori that my students made
the rest of the class.  I'm happy to hear that you continued on in my
absence.  I am planning on teaching the class again at Pennsic, so please
feel free to come again if you have questions.

Thanks again for everyone's help - Jamie and I should both make a full
recovery with time (doc said 3 weeks)


Lady Hrosvitha von Celle
Per pale sable and gules, a fret and on a point pointed argent a pair of
shears inverted sable.

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