[Ponte Alto] my garb

Belphoebe belfebe at yahoo.com
Tue Jul 15 11:38:23 PDT 2003

Dear Devin,

It is difficult to figure out what period it is
without looking at it.  And it may not be any period
at all.  Or a melange of periods.

Cloaks are cut differently in different periods.  High
leather boots are usually late period, depending how
high is high, and how they are cut. 

As for chain mail, leather quiver and wooden recurve,
those were used in different places at different
times.  You may want to look into what was used in
which area.

It will be easier for you to start looking at books
and references, get an idea of what period you want to
do, and then work in getting the garb according to
that period.  That way you can document whatever it is
that you are putting together from the beginning.  It
will also help you to develop your personna.

Start by looking at books, engravings and paintings of
different periods and places.  Then you will have a
better idea of what will work for you.



--- Devin Snyder <snyder.devin at verizon.net> wrote:
>     I need some help on what period my garb is. I
> have a black cloth cloak, high leather boots, chain
> mail (can be removed), leather quiver and a wooden
> recurve bow. its kind of a odd combination and i can
> replace things or take things out but i want an
> accurate garb 
> -Devin Snyder
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