[Ponte Alto] Coronation Assistance

DCADENISE at aol.com DCADENISE at aol.com
Sun Jul 6 19:30:16 PDT 2003

Greetings to the Beloved Populace of Stierbach and Ponte Alto,
     We are pleased to announce that Their Highnesses have chosen our faire 
baronies to host Their Coronation on Sept 5-7 in Middlesburg, VA.  <A HREF="http://www.medievalwoodworking.com/coronation.htm">

     We are currently seeking energetic volunteers (no experience necessary) 
for the following positions:
marshals, field heralds, troll assistance, camping and field set up 
coordinator, merchant coordinator, kitchen and hall help, parking/traffic czar, parking 
help, chirurgeon in charge, chief water bearer and sanitation engineer.

     Please contact Baron Mika 703-631-3494 EarlMika at aol.com   or Baroness 
Denise 703-643-1372  DcaDenise at aol.com

     We will need everyone's help and support to show Atlantia at its finest

In Service,
Mika and Denise
Coronation Autocrats
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