[Ponte Alto] rattan taping

Dave Aronson dja2003 at hotpop.com
Fri Aug 29 07:18:04 PDT 2003

"Devin Snyder" <snyder.devin at verizon.net> wrote:

 > i have a question about taping my rattan, do i tape the hilt as well
 > as the blade?

Dunno about now, but way back when I fought (~20 years ago!), it was 
optional.  Seems to be still so.  Leaving it bare will provide a better 
grip, and allow for easier reshaping if, in the course of using it, you 
find you need to.  Once you've got it feeling right, then friction tape 
can improve the grip further.

Also, Olaf Ulfbrandrsson <NOTDukeOlaf at aol.com> wrote:

 > unless you want to use strapping tape to hold on the
 > basket hilt with at the tabs. This is the method I use and it works
 > but the sword will loosen up in time and will need to be retaped to
 > tighten it back up.

What happened to hose clamps?  Much easier to adjust, than retaping....

David J. Aronson, Unemployed Software Engineer in the Washington DC area
See http://destined.to/program for online resume, and other information.

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