[Ponte Alto] Greetings! New to area

Nicole Spaun icychaos at msn.com
Fri Aug 1 01:13:03 PDT 2003

    I would like to introduce myself as I have been lurking on your list for 
a while now.  I moved to Springfield, VA about 1.5 months ago and have been 
so busy unpacking and starting a new job that I've had very little time to 
get out and say Hello and attend things.  That being said, I will be 
attending Pennsic and wanted to say Hello now so that I can meet you then! 
Now onto it:
    I am Lady Bianca di Bari and I have traveled through several kingdoms. 
I started in the SCA up in the Barony of Carolingia (Boston) in the East 
Kingdom, did a short stint in the Midrealm (Grey Gargoyles in Chicago) went 
back to the EK in the Barony of the Bridge (Providence, RI) and for the last 
year and some was in the Shire of Crosston (Mtn View, CA), Principality of 
the Mists, West Kingdom.  All that in just over 10 years now.  At various 
points I've done fencing, fighting, cooking, dancing, drumming, etc etc. 
Wish I could say what I'll be interested in out here but my schedule is an 
unruly beast I've yet to tame since the move.
    Mundanely I'm Nicole Spaun and I've spent way too much time in school, 
thus accounting for all but the last two moves I've made.  Last job was at 
NASA in CA doing Planetary Geology (no, I'm not a rocket scientist *teehee* 
but yes, we told the rocket scientists what to launch into space and where 
to send it).  I'm originally from NY so I'm glad to be back on the east 
coast and I'm excited about exploring Virginia and DC.
    Looking forward to meeting you all!

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