[Ponte Alto] Web site updates - please check new additions to the site
Lady Courtney de Hoghton
caerdubh at yahoo.com
Mon Apr 28 09:48:54 PDT 2003
Goodly gentles of Ponte Alto,
I would like to thank Baron Ranulf for all his hard
work in updating the Order of Precedence with the new
rules as published on April 1, 2003.
Please take a look at the new listing and let me know
if there are any errors or additions that need to be
made. The URL is:
Secondly, can I also ask that everyone look at the
Weekly Events and make sure all of this information is
still correct. A newcomer let me know that some of the
info was out of date or incorrect, and I need your
input in order to make the proper corrections.
The URL is:
Lastly, could the Baronial officers please look at the
Officer listing page and make sure all information
there is correct as well.
Many thanks!
Lady Courtney de Hoghton
Ponte Alto Web Minister
Courtney de Hoghton
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