[Ponte Alto] Reminder: Heraldry submissions are due by the 20th of April
Lady Courtney de Hoghton
caerdubh at yahoo.com
Wed Apr 16 06:04:43 PDT 2003
Dear Gentles of Ponte Alto,
This is a friendly reminder that the submission
deadline for heraldry for the new awards is the 20th
of April.
Below is an excerpt from an earlier email concerning
this issue:
"The next step in this process is for the Barony to
indicate their preference for the heraldry for each of
the first choices names. Please send heraldic device
suggestions, either in the heraldic terms, or in a
drawing, to Baron Ranulf at ghalstead at earthlink.net by
April 20th. Connor Sinclair at
connorsinclair at yahoo.com is also available for those
who need help drawing out the device they wish to
Once the suggestions are in, the Awards Committee will
make sure there are no known conflicts with existing
heraldry, and we will post the available choices on
the website. Once they are posted, everyone will
again be asked to indicate their preferences via
e-mail, or at the business meeting, with the top
choices selected at the April 27th business meeting.
All tie breaker votes will be made at the business
meeting, so everyone who has a strong interest in this
issue is encouraged to attend."
Many thanks,
The Awards Committee
Courtney de Hoghton
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