[Ponte Alto] Sewing Night

Belphoebe belfebe at yahoo.com
Tue Oct 29 17:52:34 PST 2002


Just to let you know that next Monday, November 4, I
will be hosting a sewing night at our place.  For
those of you who have allergies, please be aware that
we share our abode with a cat.  

Here's the info:

Date:  Monday November 4
Time:  7:30 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.
Place:  Marcellus and Belphoebe's (Bob Capozello and
Laura Haran)
Address:  7719 Inversham Dr. #125
          Falls Church, Va 22042
Directions:  Take your best route to Rt.495 South,
exit on Rt.50 East (toward Arlington).  Exit again on
Fairview Park North.  Follow Fairview Park North
straight, and make a right on New Providence Dr. (If
you get to Lee Highway, you went too far).  At the end
of New Providence Dr., make a left on Inversham Dr. 
It's a big horseshoe, and we are at the end.

If you get lost, our phone number is 703 208-9625.



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