[Ponte Alto] Assasin's Tournament at Lady and the Tiger

DCADENISE at aol.com DCADENISE at aol.com
Wed Nov 13 11:03:20 PST 2002

From: CountessMENG at aol.com
Subject: Assasin's Tournament at Lady and the Tiger

Feeling a little devious? Need to get some frustrations out?
Well, be sure to come out to Ponte Alto's Lady and the Tiger this weekend.
There will be an assassin's tournament beginning at 12:00 noon.
All interested participants need to sign up VERY discretely with Countess
Mary-Grace of Gatland no later than 11:00 a.m.
Here is how it works:

1. You will not be told who all the participants
2. You will be assigned a victim and a mode of "dispatching" of said victim.
3. Once  you have assassinated your assigned person, you will collect the
card(s) that person is holding. IF they have not yet assassinated the
personthey are currently after, you must complete that task. If they have
already completed all their cards, you will collect them and go back to
Mary-Grace for a new assignment.
4. We will continue this way until there is only one person left.
The last man or woman standing will win the prize!!!

I have been asked if you can sign up ahead of time by e-mail and the answer
is "yes", but you will still need to see me Saturday morning to collect your
card and your weapon.

Countess Mary-Grace

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