[Ponte Alto] Newcomers meeting -- THE OPEN HOUSE

egeorges egeorges at cox.net
Tue Nov 5 21:57:50 PST 2002

Good gentles of Ponte Alto!

First, an apology that I have not had it a little more "together" for this
month's newcomer's meeting, which is supposed to be this Friday, November
8th.  Last week some nice men pulled up a big truck on which they loaded all
my worldly possessions.  Then, they drove them to Falls Church and unloaded
them.  Yup, I've been moved.  After wrangling with the digital cable people
for a week, this is the first I have been online this month.

So, I think rather than have an official newcomers event this month, I am
going to have instead a CHATELAINE'S OPEN HOUSE, on Friday, November 8th,
from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m.  Come and gawk at the ridiculously bad wallpaper left
by the previous residents, eat a little, drink a little, make nice with the
four legged beastie who owns the joint (that would be my cat....).  Low key
socializing for all who would like to attend.  If one of you new folks out
there would happen to attend, that would be doubly cool.  There is no topic,
no going around in a circle saying "my name is *blank* and I joined the SCA
because" speeches.  Just a bunch of scadians doing what we do best --
hanging out and enjoying each other's company.  (If people want to bring
little hand sewing projects and stuff to work on, that's totally okay, too)

If you can handle the fact that we don't have all the furniture we want yet,
and that some of our belongings are still in those attractive cardboard
boxes, then this is the place to be Friday night:

Directions to Lucia's  & Miles' house (6406 Seven Oaks Court, Falls Church,

Take your best route to Route 7 (You can access route 7 either via I-66 or
I-495.  When you get off either of these roads, you want to get on Route 7
going EAST towards DC.)

Route 7 junctions at "Seven Corners" which is where Route 50 and Route 7
meet (along with one other road).  As you proceed around the roundabout that
is Seven Corners, stay on Route 7 going EAST.

Immediately after you get past the Seven Corners junction, you will see
SLEEPY HOLLOW on your right.  Go RIGHT onto Sleepy Hollow.

Go approximately 2 blocks and you will see ASPEN road on your right.  Go
RIGHT onto Aspen Road.

Follow ASPEN until it ends at a stop sign.  You will be on an access road
that runs alongside Rte 50.  Go RIGHT at the stop sign.

Your first RIGHT will be the Seven Oaks subdivision, take this right onto

IMMEDIATELY on your LEFT are a row of townhomes that are SEVEN OAKS COURT.
Number 6406 is a brick end unit with a red door.

My phone is 703-534-6705 if anyone gets lost, or has questions.

Hope to see you there!

In Service,
Luce Antony Venus

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