[Ponte Alto] SCA Newcomer's Meeting Reminder

Shannon Smith sorchadeglys at worldnet.att.net
Thu May 9 09:06:56 PDT 2002


    The monthly Ponte Alto newcomer's meeting will be held on Friday, May
10th at 7:30pm.  All levels of SCA experience are welcome to come and share
their questions, suggestions and ideas!  This month we will be focusing on,
but not at all limited to, garb and beginning costume.  The meeting will be
held at Chad Adam's home.  Please e-mail sorchadeglys at att.net or
call (703) 264-0072 if you need directions.  (I will also try to post them
on the Ponte Alto list later today or tomorrow morning!)

Looking forward to seeing you there,
Sorcha de Glys  :)

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