[Ponte Alto] Last week to take the Kingdom Chatelaine's Survey!

Shannon Smith sorchadeglys at worldnet.att.net
Mon Mar 25 10:19:27 PST 2002

Greetings, illustrious members of the barony of Ponte Alto!

The last day to complete the Kingdom Chatelaine's Survey is March 31, 2002.
Please complete the survey if you haven't done so already.  It will greatly
help our Kingdom Chatelaine to assess the kingdom's needs and develop a plan
to gain and keep members.  For your convenience, the online-sendable version
can be found at http://www.geocities.com/karen_larsdatter/survey.htm.

Below is the letter from Baroness Arianna Morgan that appears at the top of
the survey.  Thank you all for this quick and easy service to your Kingdom.

Sorcha de Glys

"This survey is being administered by the Kingdom Chatelaine's Office in
order to assess Atlantia's effectiveness in attracting, retaining and
educating new SCA members.
"The results of the survey will be analyzed to determine if changes in
pertinent practices and policies are necessary, and to devise new methods
for increasing, educating, and retaining our membership. This survey should
take no more than 5 minutes to complete. Thank you for taking the time to
provide us with your input.

Yours in Service to Atlantia,
Baroness Arianna Morgan
Kingdom of Atlantia"

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