[Ponte Alto] Trinity School Demo directions

Shannon Smith sorchadeglys at worldnet.att.net
Thu Mar 7 11:20:58 PST 2002

Greetings fine and generous citizens of Ponte Alto!

Here are the directions to Trinity School for the cooking and garb demo for

Take your best route to the "intersection" of I-495 and Route 50 East (This
is exit 8 off of the beltway.)  Take Route 50 East towards Washington.  Take
a left onto Graham Road.  Take a left onto Lee Highway (Route 29) and look
for the signs for Trinity School on your left.

The demo starts at noon, so please arrive at 11:45am.  The demo will run
until 1 pm.  We will cover medieval/renaissance garb, lead by Allasondrea
and medieval/renaissance cooking, lead by Tirloch.  Please e-mail me at
sorchadeglys at att.net or call (703) 264-0072 if you plan on attending.  Thank
you for your support.

Lady Sorcha de Glys  :)

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