[Ponte Alto] FYI @ July 7th

DCADENISE at aol.com DCADENISE at aol.com
Tue Jun 25 13:58:32 PDT 2002

     The Barony of Stierbach has their baronial heavy weapons fighter 
practice on Sundays (as does the Barony of Ponte Alto).  But on July 7th the 
Barony of Stierbach fighters will visit our Barony as guests of our fighter 
practice.   Ponte Alto does not have an archery site due to security 
requirements at a local army base. Their Excellencies have invited those 
members of Ponte Alto, interested in archery to come and practice within 
their Barony.  We are excited to be working with Their Excellencies Mika and 
Ursula and promoting the fighting and enthusiam within the two baronies.  
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