[Ponte Alto] Fighter Practice/Picnic Part Two- Sunday July 7th

DCADENISE at aol.com DCADENISE at aol.com
Sun Jun 2 20:28:02 PDT 2002

Greetings Everyone,
     Since the fighter practice/picnic was such a huge success, we had 
numerous requests for another one.  So we offer fighter practice/picnic Part 
Two on Sunday, July 7th at 2 p.m. at Pimmets Park.  Assessment is July 12-14 
in the Barony of Black Diamond.  We thought the weekend before we would be 
the best time for our fighters to showcase their talents before Assessment.  
We do realize that this is 4th of July weekend, but we thought having it 
before Assessment was critical.  We will once again showcase the potluck 
picnic as we did today.  Just as important to the Barony, as those member of 
the peaceful arts.  Teaching a class at Pennsic?  Bring your notes to the 
picnic and get feedback from others.  Working on Pennsic garb? Bring that to 
the picnic too and work on your garb for Pennsic.  We hope that you can come 
out and enjoy the camaraderie and hospitality of the day.
Yours in Service,
Thomas and Denise
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