[Ponte Alto] Mustering of Her Excellency's Guard (was Greetings Most Honorable Fencers of Ponte Alto)

Thomas Gideon thomas at gideonfamily.org
Mon Jul 22 13:21:55 PDT 2002

Greetings unto the Barony,

As Her Most Gracious and Noble Excellency has made it known she requires a
guard of stout and ready cavaliers to ensure her security should this
Kingdom be called to War, I ask that all able bodied persons willing to
commit sword and powder to that end, make themselves known directly to me
(i.e. contact me privately via email whether you posted a reply to the list
already or not) as Captain of Her Excellency Ponte Alto's guard.  (You need
not be an authorized rapier fighter to join the guard in escorting her
excellency about the War, but I will also be gathering the Baronial fencers
to fight as a group in those rapier battles where appropriate, hopefully
with a standard to rally upon.)  As not all volunteers may be making camp
with the Barony, please let me know where you are planning on camping
(encampment name and land lot number), so I may correctly relay dispatches
when her excellency puts forth the call to muster.

Additionally, for those that are able, I would ask you make yourselves
known to me at the regular fencing practice so that I might gather those
that are currently in the Barony for inspection and drill--if you do not
already know me, look for the fellow in the polished, brown leather doublet
or ask after me by name.  With her excellency's leave, I will be selecting
corporals as needed, depending on how well the ranks are filled, in the
weeks between now and Pennsic.  I should also have need of a sprightly lad
(or lass) to carry forth the ensign in her excellency's name.

More details will be forthcoming...

In service,

Lord Thomas Lyon
Captain of Her Excellency Ponte Alto's Guard
Freescholar, Academie d'Espee

"Beer is living proof that God loves us and wants to see us happy." -- Benjamin

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