[Ponte Alto] Post Pennsic Greetings from Denise
DCADENISE at aol.com
DCADENISE at aol.com
Tue Aug 20 16:39:37 PDT 2002
Greetings to the Peaceful Folk of Ponte Alto,
I write this missive to what I believe is the most wonderful Barony in
the entire Known World. We were heavily outnumbered at the War and the victor
of the War was not decided till the last day. All fought hard and well, and
with courtesy and chivalry. Ponte Alto made its’ might known. I would like to
thank those who fought with sword, epee, ax and bow, those who volunteered at
Lost and Found, gave Water to the fighters, lent their Healing arts, sang in
the Known World Choir, worked Troll, taught classes..... and the numerous
other activities that sustain us all at Pennsic. The joint Baronial
encampment with the Barony of Stierbach started off with people not knowing
each other, but by the end of the war... many friends were made within the
encampment. I was inspired by Her Highness, Princess Padraigin, as a combat
archer and wish to take up combat archery myself and join the mighty forces
of Ponte Alto in battle for next Pennsic.
I would like to congratulate our Baronial Bard, Lord Odde ap Tam on
being elevated to the rank of nobility with his Award of Arms at Atlantian
Court. Also, Vivats to Lord Thomas Lyon on being awarded the Order of the
Garland. He is a true inspiration to the rapier community. Lord Christopher
Hare was also awarded the Order of the Garland. Christopher fought in the
Baronial heavy weapons tourney at Pennsic (since Erik, our current champion
was sent to Georgia on business last minute) where he was praised for his
chivalry and courtesy by the many ladies in attendance. Those warriors who
fought in the Hadrian's Wall Battle brought great honor to your Barony. Their
deeds were noted by His Majesty, His Highness, Count Ragnarr, and Baron Sir
Thomas and thus were awarded with an augmented bead at our Baronial court for
their courage. I would like to thank Master Kevin for his valor in leading
our new heavy weapons unit in tabards in the battles. Many thanks to those
who helped and attended the Fighter's Breakfast. I would also like to
recognize our new baronial painter, Perronelle La Peintre. Perronelle spent
most of her Pennsic painting Baronial signs, running walls and Order of the
Garland garlands. I would like to thank my Ladies in Waiting for being there
as I brought back victory to the encampment after winning the Queen's tea
pell mell game ;-) But most of all I would like to thank Lord Thomas Lyon
and those members of the Baroness's Guard that made Midnight Madness and my
birthday the most memorable and enjoyable experience at Pennsic. Thanks to
All! For those unable to attend Baronial Court at Pennsic please make sure
you see me concerning beads or campaign ribbons.
Thanks again for all those who were able to attend Pennsic and show the Known
World the spirit and enthusiasm of Ponte Alto.
Yours in Service,
Baroness Denise Duvalier
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