[Ponte Alto] Stenwood Demo next week!
Shannon Smith
sorchadeglys at worldnet.att.net
Fri Apr 19 11:32:07 PDT 2002
Unto the shining populace of Ponte Alto does your demo coordinator, Sorcha
de Glys, send happy greetings!
Our next demo will be held at Stenwood Elementary School in Vienna on
Friday, April 26th from 12:30 to 1:30 (with a lunch if you choose to stay
after the demo.)
We had a wonderful time with them last year and we built a relationship with
them for our fighter practices. Even though we are no longer using them as
a fighting site, the children of Stenwood would love to see our fascinating
hobby and experience a hands-on love for the Middle Ages. The fifth grade
classes have been preparing for this day and we have the honor of giving our
presentation just before their finale feast. We are invited to stay for
lunch as guests of honor!
A map to Stenwood Elementary can be found at
http://www.fcps.edu/maps/sten.htm. If you need further assistance in
finding the school, please let me know and I can send you directions from
where you are if you wish.
If you are able to attend, please contact me at (703) 264-0072 or
sorchadeglys at att.net to let me know to expect you. I appreciate your time
and efforts to contribute to this worthy service!
In two weeks: Demo at Floris Elementary in Herndon - May 3rd at 1pm.
Also, we've added several upcoming demos to the calendar at
http://geocities.com/scademoteam in Virginia & Maryland, so please check out
the schedule and get in touch with the coordinators if you have questions or
if you'd like to volunteer.
Thanks for your enthusiasm and support,
Sorcha de Glys :)
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