[Ponte Alto] Baronial Encampment Information for Pennsic XXXI

DCADENISE at aol.com DCADENISE at aol.com
Mon Apr 8 12:43:04 PDT 2002

Greetings to the Fair Gentles of Ponte Alto! 

Now is the time to drag those tents and equipment out for inspection and 
repair before the summer camping season. The Pennsic XXXI booklets have been 
sent out to those who attended last year. An important note for anyone 
wishing to camp at the Baronial Encampment at Pennsic:
Please write the group name of: 
on your Pennsic registration forms.
Please write the group name exactly as above. Be aware that if you write any 
deviation from the above, as in just "Ponte Alto", spelling errors such as 
"Barony of Ponti Alto", or even "Ponte Alto, Barony of", you will not be 
registered with our group! 

I also need the following information if you are camping with the Barony: (In 
fact, you can just print or complete this list and send it back to <A HREF="mailto:dcadenise at aol.com:">
dcadenise at aol.com, </A>or mail it back to 9220G Cardinal Forest Lane, Lorton, VA 
Call with questions: 703-643-1372.)
*Contact information for contact person for you/your family/household –

US Mail address:
*Number of people in your tent, and if they are adults or children:
________ ADULTS ________ CHILDREN
*Mundane and SCA names of those staying in the same tent 

*Area that your tent takes up when set up, including tent floor size with 
ropes outstretched. (include any flys or shade pavilions at the entrances) :

______________ x ___________________
* Mundane or period tent? (circle one)

*When do you plan on arriving at Pennsic? (date and day of week)

*Do you have any special requirements? 
By the way, if you did not receive a Pennsic booklet in the mail, the 
unofficial website for Pennsic, which contains lots of useful info 
(particularly for first-timers) is: http://www.pennsicwar.org/
(However, it’s own disclaimer states, and we repeat: this web page is not a 
corporate SCA publication, and the information and policies published at the 
website are superceded by Official Kingdom Newsletters, Pre-Pennsic Booklets 
or Pennsic War On-Site Books whenever there is conflicting information.)

Yours in Service,
Baroness Denise Duvalier

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