[Ponte Alto] Fall for the Book demo *Saturday*

Shannon Smith sorchadeglys at worldnet.att.net
Thu Sep 20 08:56:26 PDT 2001

Hi, Celia and others!

    You can come whenever you can.  The table will be open from 10:30 to
4:30.  I'm sure folks will want a break after a while if you want to come
after your appointment.  You don't have to be a wonderscribe to talk to
passersby about the art of calligraphy and what we do in the SCA.  :)

I'm putting this to the Ponte Alto list because there are probably others
with the same question.  Please come whenever you can!  It will be easier on
everyone and, of course, make for more variety in our presentation.

Hope to see you there!  Thanks!
Sorcha  :)

> Hi Sorcha
>  does this need to be an all day commitment I have a class at 9 and an
appointment at 1 but possibly could be ther around this. (I can do a little
C&I but am not as prficient as others
>                Celia
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