[Ponte Alto] Candlelight rally in Nova *tomorrow 8pm

Shannon Smith sorchadeglys at worldnet.att.net
Fri Sep 14 13:38:41 PDT 2001

Oops, forgot to mention http://www.northernva.com/ too.

  Hi Shannon,

  Is this vigil advertised anywhere besides through email?  It conflicts with a reston sponsored vigil at 7:30 pm behind south lakes high school.  That vigil event was posted yesterday during the volunteria at the RCC Lake Anne.   I need to figure out which one to attend...

    -----Original Message-----
    From: Shannon Smith <sorchadeglys at worldnet.att.net>
    To: ponte-alto at atlantia.sca.org <ponte-alto at atlantia.sca.org>
    Date: Thursday, September 13, 2001 7:22 PM
    Subject: [Ponte Alto] Candlelight rally in Nova *tomorrow 8pm

    Greetings, friends!

        Residents of Northern Virginia are holding a candlelight rally at the
    Reston Town Center at 8pm tomorrow (Friday) to show our unity, support nd
    concern in the wake of this week's tragedies. 

       There is a stage/concert area of the Reston Town Center where we will
    gather.  Please bring candles if you have them as we have a limited supply.
    Please pass this on to others in the Northern Virginia area.

    Thank you,
    Shannon R. Smith (Sorcha de Glys)

    Ponte-Alto mailing list
    Ponte-Alto at atlantia.sca.org

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