[Ponte Alto] Inquiry: Advanced Sewing

Jessica Wilbur jessica at pop.net
Tue Oct 16 09:18:38 PDT 2001


I think this is a great idea (but then, more sewing days are always 
fine by me) - I would certainly make an effort to be there. However, 
the main problem I think you may run into is scheduling. It's tough 
to find time on the calendar - but don't let that stop you from giving 
it a shot. You may have to do a little wiggling to fit it in, is all I'm 
trying to say.


On 15 Oct 01, at 17:38, Kerri Martinsen wrote:

> G'day my lords and ladies.
> I have a Inquiry as to a possible Monthly/ bimonthly local event.  I
> have hosted a few Sewing Circles with great joy and hopefuly those who
> attended learned lots and got something accomplished but (and call me
> selfish), I rarely get much done.
> What does the populas think about holding a once monthly (not
> conflicting with the Sewing Circle and Covert Ops) Advanced techniques
> session - a time when accomplished seamstresses and tailors can get
> together, discuss pattern finess, bounce ideas  off of each other,
> help with fitting issues and generally encourage each other to get
> things done (my big problem).
> I would, of course, recommend that EVERYONE continue to attend the
> Monday night Sewing Circle and Covert Ops, and that this would be an
> 'as needed/ on call' session.  
> I would love to hear others opinions on if this is a good idea (or
> not).  I am concerned about "pidgon-holeing" and the exclusion factor.
> Thanks for your opinions.
> Lady Hrosvitha von Celle
> "The Cobbler's childern's story holds true for many, many other
> professions."
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