[Ponte Alto] Ponte Alto Baronial Polling

Jessica Wilbur jessica at pop.net
Wed Oct 17 14:10:06 PDT 2001


Finally, the polling for Ponte Alto's next baron and baroness is in 
the mail. If you are a member of the SCA who resides within the 
barony's borders, you should be receiving your polling in the mail in 
the next day or two. If you do not receive one, and think you 
should, please let me know. I also want to reiterate that even if you 
do not live within Ponte Alto but are active with our group, you are 
welcome and encouraged to write to Their Majesties with your 
opinion. Responses are due by November 17. Details on the 
candidates are on our web site, http://pontealto.atlantia.sca.org. 
And finally, Baronial Investiture is scheduled to be held February 
23, 2002.

Yours in Service,
--Lady Muireann ni Riordain

PS Many grateful thanks to Master Kevin of Thornbury for helping 
me fold pollings, stuff envelopes and get them mailed off.

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