[Ponte Alto] Veggie Spam from Daniel and James of Rutland

Rutlands at aol.com Rutlands at aol.com
Tue Oct 9 13:14:51 PDT 2001

Rental properties available in fief from House Rutland, in Knoxville, 
Mary-lande, near Brunswicke, seventeene miles from Frederick, fifteen from 
Leesburg, Virginia, and close to West Virginia, just off Highway 340.

1. Available on ye 1st of November, 2001:

   Two-bedroom manor house; living roome, dyning roome and kytchen which hath 
its own breakfast nooke, bath roome and laundrie, on firste fluur; two bedde 
roomes and a bath roome on ye second fluur, & a quaynte little storage roome 
from which ascendeth a flyghte of staires to ye Garrett, for stoorage; a 
fulle Dungeyon under alle ye House, suitable for all Storage and Unexpected 
Yn-Lawwes.  Heat is by Oyle, and cookynge is by propayne, welle watter but ye 
Privies and draines go to ye countie Moats.  Located but two English myles 
from ye Commuter Trayne, which stoppeth at German-towne, Gaither's Burgh, 
Roccke Ville, Kensing Towne, Silver Sprynge, and Eu-neon Statyon in 
   Ye proppertie being shayded by trees, so that there needs not ye Aire 
conditioner which is installed there; some Plantings are theyre, and 
Gardenyng is yn-couraged.  Rente is eight hundred Thalers per Monthe, and ye 
pay for ye Utilityes.

2. Available at an Yndeterminate Dayte, hopefullie by Marche:

   Smaller Tower House (wee think of it actualie as a Gate-house, but ye Gate 
hath yette to be built)—one roome belowe of aproxxymatelie seventeen English 
feete by twentye, and a bedde roome and den above for ye cubs or 
Contemplating Machine, of the same size as the floore belowe.  Kitchen abutts 
the lower storie, and is roughly thirteen English feete by seventeene, and on 
the north side of ye house there is a bulwark containing a full privvie 
closette and storage on both floores.    There is a basement of sortes, but 
it is not fit for the housing of any but one's enemies, and but few of those. 
 There is Countie water and moats, and there is a Laundrie in ye House.
   This House is about to come into the jurisdiction of House Rutland, and is 
currentlie not in a fytte state for habytacioun (regardless of what ye 
current Ynhabitants thynke); worke will be done over ye Fall and Wynter, and 
ye House should be Readie for Habytacioun in ye Sprynge.  Being ye same 
Distance from ye Trayne, less some two hundred Feete.

Please email us at Rutlands at aol.com if you are or anyone you know is possibly 
interested in these wonderful, peaceful places to live.
Thank you most kindly.   -Daniel and James of Rutland

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