[Ponte Alto] [lpancrazio at mochamail.com: [MR] Atlantian Undelivered Scrolls]

blaise at scadian.net blaise at scadian.net
Fri Nov 16 11:59:27 PST 2001

----- Forwarded message from Linda Pancrazio <lpancrazio at mochamail.com> -----

From: "Linda Pancrazio" <lpancrazio at mochamail.com>
To: "Merry Rose" <atlantia at atlantia.sca.org>, <scribes at castle.org>,
        <SCA-Announce at yahoogroups.com>
Subject: [MR] Atlantian Undelivered Scrolls
Date: Fri, 16 Nov 2001 10:42:28 -0500


This is a list of the scrolls that I have in my case as of 11/16/01.  I will
have them with me at Unevent and 12th Night.


Some are ready to deliver, some still need signatures and some need heraldic
corrections or recipient consultation.  If your scroll is listed here please
contact me: signet at atlantia.sca.org to give me your contact info and/or
arrange for delivery.

I've put stars around the recipients that I personally don't know how to
contact.  Yes, I've probably marked some people that everyone knows but me -
please don't be offended :).  If you can help me find any of these gentles
please contact me.

I'll try to keep this list up to date on-line.

Thank you!

Atlantian Clerk Signet
signet at atlantia.sca.org

----- End forwarded message -----

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