[Ponte Alto] (Fwd) Dun Carraig Baronial Birthday

Jessica Wilbur jessica at pop.net
Thu Nov 1 07:20:23 PST 2001

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From:           	"Scott Steward" <scott_steward at hotmail.com>
To:             	talbotgollum at hotmail.com, vlad3lochmere at ix.netcom.com,
       	shinawassee at hotmail.com, jessica at pop.net
Subject:        	Dun Carraig Baronial Birthday
Date sent:      	Wed, 31 Oct 2001 21:17:32 -0500

Fellow Seneschals,

As you may or may not know Dun Carraig's Baronial Birthday 
celebration is coming up on November 10th. Would you be kind 
enough to please postthe flyer below to your groups e-mail list. If 
you have questions please feel free to e-mail me or call me at 
(301) 374-6732.

Thank You,
Edmund Sharpe
Dun Carraig

November 10- Dun Carraig’s Baronial Birthday
Barony of Dun Carraig, Leonardtown, MD

Come help us celebrate the birthday of Dun Carraig and the 
continued reign of Their Excellencies Philip of Ghent and 
Minowara Kiritsubo. 

Fighting: So that new Baronial Champions may be selected 
armored combat, rapier combat and archery tourney’s will be 
held. The rapier tournament will be a dice tournament, where the 
first die determines the weapons used and the second die 
determines the level of combat. Examples of level of combat are 
first blood, draw cuts only, or to the death. When a lesser than 
death out come is required killing your opponent is counted as a 
loss. Also a barrier will be set up on the field against which your 
opponent can be trapped.

A&S: The Tinker’s Guild of Dun Carraig is holding a competition 
for the best designed cooler storage system. The system should 
allow easy access to the coolers as well as easy draining of the 
cooler and also take up as small an area as possible. All entrants 
must submit a scale model of their design as well as a full set of 
plans. Plans may be selected to become the property of the 
Barony. A dessert and sweets competition will also be held. 
Judging will be on the basis of palatability and documentation. 
Recipes of entries are requested for inclusion into an event 
cookbook to be published after the event. All ent! rants will be 
added to the desert bar after feast. Also, after feast, there will be 

Feast: Lord Muirghen Rhuadh will prepare a sumptuous feast for 
the event. As is usual feast space is limited, so get your 
reservations in early.

Site: The site for the event will be Saint Mary’s Ryken High 
School in Leonardtown, MD. The sit opens at 10:00 am on 
Saturday and closes at 10:30 pm

Cost: On Board with a reservation - $14.00. On Board the day 
of the event - $15.00. Off Board- $7.00. Children 5-12 are half 
price. Children under 5 will be guests of the Barron and Baroness 
unless feast seating is desired.

Reservations: Please make checks payable to the “Barony of 
Dun Carraig/S.C.A. Inc.” and mail them to Lord Edmund Sharpe 
(Scott Steward) at 4411 Eagle Ct. Waldorf MD 20603. Please be 
aware that the only good reservation is a paid reservation.
Autocrat: Lord Edmund Sharpe (Scott Steward) at 4411 Eagle 
Ct. Waldorf MD 20603. Telephone: (301) 374-6732. e-mail: 
scott_steward at hotmail.com.

 From the North: Find your best route to highway 5 
South. Leonardtown is located approximately 32 miles south of 
Waldorf on highway 5. **On the south side of Leonardtown the 
road will narrow to one lane in each direction. Approximately ½ 
mile after the narrowing turn right onto Fenwick Street. After the 
turn take the immediate left onto Camp Calvert Road. Once on 
Camp Calvert Road take the immediate left onto the school 
 From the South: After crossing the Nice Memorial 
Bridge turn right onto highway 234. Follow 234 until it intersects 
highway 5. Follow highway 5 South to Leonardtown. Once in 
Leonardtown follow the directions above from the **.

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