[Ponte Alto] Floris Demo May 30th!

Shannon Smith sorchadeglys at worldnet.att.net
Wed May 23 06:21:43 PDT 2001


    I am still looking for volunteers for the Floris Elementary demo on May
30th.  So far we have only Kevin of Thornbury, Marcellus and Belphoebe!  If
you can spread this cry to any specialty lists you may be on (rapier,
archery, heavy, costuming, textiles, etc.) I would be most appreciative.

The demo will be held from 1:30 to 3pm (please arrive at 1:15) at Floris
Elementary School in Herndon, VA.  A map can be found at
http://www.fcps.edu/maps/floris.htm.  The address and phone number are 2708
Centreville Rd., Herndon, VA 20171, (703-561-2900).

We will be giving a general life in the Middle Ages demo to the fifth grade
class.  What we show them depends on who can make it for the demo, of
course, so please let me know what you can bring with you to "show and
tell"!  :)

If you are available to join us, please let me know as soon as possible so I
can tell the teacher what we are presenting.  Or, if you require further
information, please e-mail me at sorchadeglys at att.net or call me at (703)
264-0072 if you prefer.

Thank you as always for your generous support and I look forward to seeing
all of you at the Floris demo!

For the "education" in "not-for-profit, educational organization",
Sorcha de Glys  :)

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