[Ponte Alto] Demo Opportunity in Dun Carraig

mgoodell at gmu.edu mgoodell at gmu.edu
Wed May 9 12:42:21 PDT 2001

Greetings all,

Baroness Kiri sent the following to me and I forwarded to the Ponte Alto 
list, but never saw it show up. Here is a second posting.  They are 
primarily interested in rapier fighters.  any one who is intrested 
should contact Baroness Kiri directly and ASAP!

Kiri's email: 
        ekoogler at chesapeake.net

To all whom are not traveling to Garb Wars,

     The Barony of Dun Carraig has unique opportunity to put on a demo
 at the opening of "A Knight's Tale" at the St. Charles Town Center 
 Theater in Waldorf Maryland. We are hosting a heavy weapons fighting,
 fencing, A&S, Dancing (with enough support) display in the parking lot
 and in the theater lobby. If you have the time we would love to have
 your support, in person or even just items to display! The demo begins
 at 6:30 and will run through to the starting of the 9:00 showing. I
 will be showing up early to setup a tent and the list fence.

     Contact James Kriebel for more information at James at Kriebel.com or
 (301) 705-5267

     Directions - Take your best route to the Rt 5 Exit on the DC 
 (3rd exit East of the Wilson Bridge). Take Rt 5 south until it joins
 with Rt 301. Follow Rt 301 (Rt 5 will split off again) through
 Waldorf. The St. Charles Town Center Mall will be on your Right. Turn
 Right on to Smallwood Dr, at the second light turn into the mall 
 lot. The movie theater is around to the left behind the mall.

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