[Ponte Alto] Demo May 11th!

Shannon Smith sorchadeglys at worldnet.att.net
Sat May 5 12:18:21 PDT 2001


    This is the one week reminder for the demo coming up on May 11th at
Waples Mill Elementary School in Oakton.  Please arrive at 1:15 so we can
start at 1:30.  If you are planning to come, please reply to me so I know
who to expect!  Thank you for your support.

Expected attendees:
Sorcha de Glys
Marcellus and Belphoebe
Elizabeth of Hadley Hall (?)

A map of the school location can be found at:

The address is 11509 Waples Mill Rd., Oakton, VA 22124
School phone: 703-648-3161

For the "education" in "not-for-profit, educational organization",
Sorcha de Glys

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