[Ponte Alto] A Day at the Faire in Fredericksburg, April 1st

Shannon Smith sorchadeglys at worldnet.att.net
Thu Mar 22 13:34:06 PST 2001

Proud Ponte Alto!

Hear this missive from our neighbors regarding thier demo on April 1st, to which some members of our populace have prepared their horses for travel!

Sorcha de Glys

Hello everyone,

Attached is the directions to Salem Church Library.  

Everything is coming together for this event.  Everyone here at the Canton is working hard to pull this together and they are getting excited.

I am really looking forward to meeting each of you.  The library will be opening up for us at 11 am.  This should give us enough time to set-up the displays before the library opens at 1 pm, and hopefully a chance to relax before the doors open. 

There is a bathroom for changing into/out of garb as well as a large storage closet if we need it.

The fences, and tents that will be outside will be set up a little earlier, since we don't need to be inside for this.  (We have two Yurts.   One for the fighters to change clothing, store items out of the way, plus a place to sit in the shade if they want.  The other one will be part of the indoor exhibit.  It will be placed next to an outside door.

Clothing/Garb table.  I have up to three tables, as well as a couple of garment racks to display clothing.  I have regular wire type hangers to hang up items if you need it.  Also, the table will be placed next to a wall partition, and a couple of outfits or accessories can be hung from there (I have hooks).

Remember the date for this event is Sunday, April 1 from 1-5 pm.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me. 

Thank you again for coming down to help.  Feedback from the Library is very positive so far!!

There is a small kitchen with everything available for our use.  We will have snack foods to nibble on (wouldn't want anyone to faint with hunger...grin).


Cairistiona de Coveran // Laurie Clarkston

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