[Ponte Alto] Demos this week

Shannon Smith sorchadeglys at worldnet.att.net
Sun Jun 24 10:06:42 PDT 2001

Greetings, all!

    It is a busy week for demos in Ponte Alto, but very soon we will have
down time before Pennsic!  I would like to thank those folks who attended
the Mary Riley Stiles demo with me on Thursday at the drop of a hat.  Thank
you, Kevin of Thornbury, Feline von Behren, Aillean O'Meighan, and Hrosvitha
von Celle! Vivant!

    The demo on Tuesday evening is the perfect opportunity for those who
work weekdays to see what it's all about!  The demo is at Mary Riley Stiles
Library in Falls Church at 7pm.

Some practical considerations:  Please arrive at 6:45 and make your way to
the conference room off of the children's section of the library.  A map to
Mary Riley Stiles can be found at the web address at the end of this
missive.  Bring whichever medieval items you wish to show to the children
and we will have a short pow-wow before the program so we are all on the
same page.

The second demo this week is on Friday at 1:30 to 3pm at the Algonkian Camp
for the Girl Scouts.  Please join us for a day of "Medieval Merriment"!  If
you are interested in this fun demo, please contact me for directions.  So
far, we will have archery, dancing, armored fighters, and the basket of
medieval items.

Thank you as always for your generous support of these educational
adventures!  I look forward to seeing you at these upcoming demos,
Sorcha de Glys  :)

To Mary Riley Stiles Library in Falls Church:

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