[Ponte Alto] Camping location at Pennsic XXX

Tom Bilodeau tirloch at cox.rr.com
Wed Feb 28 09:31:05 PST 2001

Howdy from your Land Agent!

I will be needing to submit our Land request soon to the Land folks for
Pennsic 30.  Each land agent must have four choices for land allotment.

Last year, the barony camped in N19 (which was near the interstate and
also the tree line). You may recall that we had a lot of space and the
barony also was able to host the combined baronial courts on Thursday.

At the business meeting which was held on this past Sunday, I got
concurrence that we would like to stay in N19.

I need to have the 3 alternates, too.

Those of you who are coamping in the baronial land, please go to


and let me know by March 10th, 2001 your comments on alternate land

Thank you.


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