[Ponte Alto] Demo help needed for Sudentur Faire

Shannon Smith shannonrsmith at worldnet.att.net
Sun Feb 18 08:56:20 PST 2001

Come one!  Come all!  Help our neighbors with their demo in Sudentur if you
are able!

Greetings Pontoons from Sorcha, demo coordinator!
    Here is a message from Cairistiona de Coveran, our neighbor in Sudentur.
Please hear her words...

A Day at the Faire
Sunday, April 1, 2001
Salem Church Library, Spotsylvania, VA
1:00 to 5:00 PM

The Canton of Sudentur will be participating in a "SCA Demonstration" at the
Salem Church Library Sunday, April 1.  The library is sponsoring this event.
The purpose is to "recruit" new members, have a little fun, and the library
gets to promote its collection of books dealing with a medieval theme.  This
event is expected to draw a large local crowd.

The theme for this event will be "A Day at the Faire".  I am trying to
create a festive atmosphere of spending the afternoon at a medieval faire.
There will be entertainment (because that really draws the crowds) and
instead of "merchant tables", the tables will be filled with displays for
people to ask questions about.

There will be "a Fighting Demo" going on outside.  Calling all fighters and
knights to bring your war chests of swords and armor.  Dress in your finest
clothes.  When you're taking a break, talk to the public about fighting
skills.  YOU are going to be so popular!!

Display tables:
Fiber Arts Table--spinning, weaving, carding, etc.  project displays. Lady
Awlynne of Rivenstar will head up this table and assist visitors by
answering questions and show how the projects were made.

Music and dancing-Lady Rowan ferch Rhys, Dance Mistress, will bring her band
of merry dancers and show various dance steps that will have everyone
participating.  The more the merrier!

Garb Table--There will be a Garb table showing an assortment of costuming
that has been made and worn by members.  Several people have already
volunteered to help out, but you can never have enough help.

Fighter's Table--displays of armor, chain-mail and other items for the
fighter.  I need several fighters who would be willing to help out a little
with answering questions about fighting, armor, and what the "Code of
Chivalry" means

Information Table--There will be miscellaneous items displayed like, "feast
gear", a map of the Kingdom, assorted handouts, etc.  Several people will be
needed to help out on this table.

All of these display tables need volunteers.  No job or task too small.  Don
't have an item to display?  Come dressed in your "finest garb" and show
everyone how much fun it can be to join the local Canton.

If you have any questions, want to sign up, help out in any way, contact
Cairistiona de Coveran (Laurie Clarkston) at 540-582-2699 or by email;
garadh at erols.com.  The library is very easy to find and I will email

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