[Ponte Alto] To fix the virus...

Shannon Smith sorchadeglys at worldnet.att.net
Fri Dec 7 09:25:40 PST 2001

Hello again,
I'm really sorry about the trouble this may have caused you.  Fortunately,
the removal process is easy.  Again, if you did not receive e-mail from me
with an attachment, please ignore this.  Otherwise, here is a web page to
get rid of the virus in case you opened it...

www.symantec.com/avcenter/venc/data/w32.badtrans.b at mm.removal.tool.html

(the name of the virus is w32.badtrans.b)  It travels disguised as a reply
message with a recently used subject line!

or you can try
(thanks, Brian)

Shannon Smith

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