[Ponte Alto] Georgetown Demo - April 21st

Lora Budzier lbudzier at juno.com
Sun Apr 22 19:25:43 PDT 2001

I am just now getting this email (been bad about this account the past
few weeks...did we have anyone go?

On Tue, 17 Apr 2001 12:34:44 -0400 "Shannon Smith"
<sorchadeglys at worldnet.att.net> writes:
> Humble greetings to the great Barony of Ponte Alto from your 
> downtrodden
> demo coordinator, Sorcha de Glys!
>     Is there *anyone* interested in the Georgetown demo?  It is 
> 1-5pm on
> April 21st for the Medieval Club at Georgetown.  Please let me know 
> if you
> are able to make it...
> Back on the first of March I told her that we could make it, but had 
> to let
> her know toward the end of March about our conflict .  That did not 
> go over
> well.  You can read the note from the faculty advisor of the 
> Medieval Club
> after I told her we've had no volunteers because of a local event.  
> I'm
> afraid we may lose face on this one...
> Desperate!
> Sorcha  :)
> ****************
> Dear Shannon,
> Oh dear... I really hope you can find some people.  There is going 
> to be a
> big crowd for this event, because of all the prospective students 
> running
> around.  There's probably not much you can say to make this more 
> attractive
> than an event, but we really really really would like to have some 
> of your
> people represented here.
> Keep in touch,
> Amelia Borrego
> Dear Shannon,
> Amelia forwarded me your unfortunate email. While I understand the 
> desire of
> your members to attend the tournament, we had rather counted on some 
> of them
> coming to our festival to provide a fighting demonstration and have 
> already
> advertized this as part of the event. I understand this is 
> completely
> voluntary on the part of your members, and we do appreciate their 
> intital
> cooperation, but this leaves us in a bit of a bind since we had 
> counted on
> their performance. It was also my understanding that your branch of 
> the SCA
> was interested in forming a cooperational relationship with the GU 
> Medieval
> Club which would give the SCA a certain amount of exposure on the 
> Georgetown
> campus where they currently do not have a presence. It would be in 
> both our
> best interests if some of the fighters could forego the tournament 
> and
> participate in medieval day as originally planned. They will get 
> full
> billing and free advertising, including photos and space on our 
> website, as
> well as an opportunity to show off their skill and dexterity to a 
> large
> audience, since the festival will take place on the front lawn of 
> the GU
> campus. I do hope that some of your members will take this into 
> account and
> reconsider. I look forward to seeing them on the day. Please have 
> them
> contact Amelia to confirm.
> With regards,
> Kat Tracy
> Faculty Advisor, GU Medieval Club
> Ms. Tracy,
>     I have forwarded your letter to our members and I sincerely hope 
> that I
> receive some positive replies soon.  I have requested participation 
> at
> several meetings and events for the last few weeks to no end, yet 
> have been
> met with only members who had planned to attend the tourney.  I 
> shall
> continue to herald the demo and will keep you informed as soon as I 
> hear
> from any volunteers.  Hopefully you letter will spur some to change 
> their
> plans.
> Sincerely,
> Shannon Smith
> Dear Shannon,
> I appreciate your efforts, as does Amelia. Since we were orginially 
> told we
> could count on the fighting demonstration, I really hope that some 
> of the
> members will be willing to come out on the day. Just think of all 
> the free
> publicity, on the web and off... including the newsletter.
> Thanks you again for your efforts. I look forward to hearing from 
> you.
> All the best,
> Kat Tracy
> Faculty advisor GU Medieval Club
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