[MR] Updates to Kingdom Law relevant to A&S

Lara Coutinho orangesophie at gmail.com
Thu Jun 13 14:05:30 PDT 2024

Attention Atlantia A&S Enthusiasts,
Today's article in the Atlantia A&S Newsletter, The Oak, describes the
changes in Atlantia Kingdom Law that affect the A&S community. The March
2024 Curia meeting under King Ragnarr and Queen Mary Isobel finalized these
law changes. This article describes those changes and offers context to
understand them.

Please read this article and offer your feedback via email to
moas at officer.atlantia.sca.org  or reach out to your local Minister of Arts
and Sciences.


Topics include: Royal Notables, Kingdom Champions, New Group Awards, and
protected events.

Populace input is encouraged specifically regarding the new notables, Royal
Artisan and Royal Scientist.

Thank you all for supporting our shared A&S community!
Sincerely yours,
Dame Sophia the Orange, Kingdom Minister of Arts and Sciences

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