[MR] Call for volunteer Judges for Pennsic 51 A&S War Point competition

Lara Coutinho orangesophie at gmail.com
Sun Jul 14 12:55:19 PDT 2024

Fair Atlantia,
The coming war at Pennsic is fought on many fields, and for the field of
A&S, the Atlantia Champion for the A&S War Point Competition has been

Our Queen Adelhait has chosen Master Cataldo Querini (MKA: Anthony Curtis),
to fill Atlantia's slot as Ally to the East in the great A&S War Point
To support Master Cataldo, the Eastern A&S General, Sir Pan Jan Janowicz
Bogdanski, has requested Atlantia send some judges to contribute to the war

If you are a participant in the A&S community of Atlantia, going to
Pennsic, feel comfortable learning the judging style of this competition,
and are available to spend your day on War Week Thursday from 9:00am to
4:00pm in the Great Hall helping to review and evaluate entries, please let
me know if you are willing to volunteer. Judges Training will be made
available. Jan tells me there is a YouTube video available plus some time
on site for training judges.

Please email me if you'd like to volunteer as a judge via  moas AT

If we send one or a few, we will be doing our part for the war effort as
Eastern Allies.

Vivat Master Cataldo! Thank you for your contributions!
Sincerely Yours,
Dame Sophia the Orange, Atlantia Minister of Arts and Sciences

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