[MR] BBC: Saxon-era Burials Found in Malmesbury

Garth Groff and Sally Sanford mallardlodge1000 at gmail.com
Sat Jul 6 09:47:08 PDT 2024

Noble Friends,

Some say it is hard to stick a shovel into English soil and not hit
something historic (or unexploded ordnance from WWII). It recently happened
again at the Old Bell Inn in Malmesbury. In anticipation of new
construction, an archaeological dig in the garden unearthed 24 complete
skeletons and numerous other scattered human bones.

The graves are believed to date from between 670 and 940 CE. The cemetery
is thought to be associated with the adjacent Malmesbury Abbey, and since
the bones represent a mix of ages and sexes, are probably from lay people.
The BBC story is at https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cnk4xekngdgo .

The town of Malmesbury is currently celebrating Aethelstan 1100, marking
the beginning of his reign as the first king of all England. Aethelstan
reigned from 924 to 939, and was buried in Malmesbury Abbey. His remains
were secretly removed and reburied to prevent possible desecration by the
Normans, but his empty tomb can still be seen in the Abbey. More about
Aethelstan is at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C3%86thelstan .

Malmesbury Abbey was founded as a Benedictine house in 676. The current
church was completed around 1180. It was seriously damaged when the spire
collapsed around 1500, and again when the west tower fell in 1550. A
portion of the church remains in use by the local Anglican parish. More
about the Abbey is at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Malmesbury_Abbey .

Finally, the Old Bell Inn is said to be the oldest surviving hotel in
England. Originally a guest house for the Abbey, parts of the building date
to the early 13th century. Following Henry VIII's dissolution of the
abbeys, it passed into private ownership and became a local drinking
establishment: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Old_Bell,_Malmesbury .

So many historical threads to follow, and all from a salvage excavation.

Yours Aye,

Mungo Napier, Laird of Mallard Lodge  🦆
Continuing a crusade to keep Merry Rose relevant and in business.

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