[MR] Kingdom Event Bid Coordinator and Kingdom Chatelaine positions are open

Seneschal Atlantia seneschal at officer.atlantia.sca.org
Sun Apr 28 15:49:10 PDT 2024

 Letters of Intent for interest in the Kingdom Event Cid Coordinator
(Kingdom Officer of State position reporting to the Kingdom Seneschal) and
the Kingdom Chatelaine (Kingdom Great Officer of State) are due no later
than Thursday, May 2.

Letters for the Kingdom Event Bid Coordinator position need to be sent to
Their Majesties and to the Kingdom Seneschal.

Letters for the Kingdom Chatelaine position need to be sent to Their

If you have any questions, please reach out to myself or Their Majesties.
Maistir Cian
Craig Dooley
Seneschal, Kingdom of Atlantia
seneschal at atlantia.sca.org
(803) 386-1138 NLT 10 pm

*"If you make listening and observation your occupation you will gain much
more than you can by talk."*
*Lord Robert Baden-Powell*

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