[MR] History Blog: 10th Century Moorish Sword

Garth Groff and Sally Sanford mallardlodge1000 at gmail.com
Sat Apr 27 03:02:08 PDT 2024

Noble Friends,

Today the History Blog features a 10th century sword discovered in
Valencia, Spain. While actually found in 1994, the sword has just been
scientifically identified as a Moorish cavalry sword.

Surviving Moorish swords from this period are extremely rare, with only one
other similar weapon known to exist.

The sword was found in a grave stuck point first into the ground, giving it
the nickname "Excalibur", but it is neither Christian nor magical, and
apparently came out of the ground quite easily.

The sword has since been cleaned and stabilized, but the History Blog does
not say where, or if, it is displayed. Nor did the six other versions of
this story I examined. The weapon is property of the City of Valencia, and
is in the hands of their Archaeology Department. It will likely be
displayed later this summer in the Town Hall during an exhibition keyed to
the Archaeology Department's 75th anniversary.

The story is found at https://www.thehistoryblog.com/archives/70079 .

Yours Aye,

Mungo Napier, Laird of Mallard Lodge  🦆
Continuing a crusade to keep Merry Rose relevant and in business.

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