[MR] Atlantia Digest, Vol 250, Issue 9

Lara Coutinho orangesophie at gmail.com
Mon Nov 20 13:08:56 PST 2023

To the MOAS Community of our fair kingdom of Atlantia!
UNEVENT IS COMING! December 2 is Unevent, all meetings are online, and our
time for the MOAS meeting is 12:45pm. Zoom link will be published closer to
the event.

Our MOAS meeting will have a number of topics to cover, and I would like to
ask you to prepare by thinking about the agenda:

-- Kingdom Deputies staff introductions
-- Guilds and Guild Leaders Introductions
-- MOAS Basics: Processes and resources for doing the Local MOAS job
-- Warrants and Reporting requirements vs. nice-to-haves
-- Kingdom Law and Policy applicable to the A&S arena
-- Upcoming changes in Kingdom Law and Policy
-- Local MOAS problems, requests, and troubleshooting
-- Regional MOAS problems, requests, and troubleshooting

We will have 1 hour to cover all this business starting at 12:45pm
Saturday, December 2. I'd like to ask you all to please make time to
participate in the following hour for telling me stories. I want to hear
your stories of heartbreak, pain, suffering, success, and triumph! All of
it! But we have very limited time for the long list of business topics we
need to cover. So please do share your stories with me, but tell them to me
in the second hour called "MOAS Office Hours" from 1:45 - 2:45pm when we
have some time to spend on listening.

***If you are NOT getting emails from the MOAS email list, especially if
you did not get one in the past day, PLEASE contact me directly at
moas at officer.atlantia.sca.org so I can get you added or troubleshoot your

Thank you SO MUCH to each of you for the time you spend supporting the Arts
and Sciences of Atlantia!
Sincerely yours,
Dame Sophia the Orange, OL, KMOAS

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