[MR] Their Royal Majesties, Cuan and Adelhaidt, Seek an audience in Their Final Court with the following....

Andrea Scott ladyalexandriawright at gmail.com
Mon Sep 26 03:59:31 PDT 2022

Greetings unto the Populace of Atlantia does Dame Alexandria Wright, Royal
Court Secretary to Their Royal Majesties, Cuan and Adelhaidt, send,

Their Royal Majesties have asked me to publish the list of names of people
they wish an audience with during Their Final Court at the Coronation of
Atlantia's Heirs, Abran and Anya, on October 1, 2022.  We ask that you
contact me either here at ladyalexandriawright at gmail.com or on the Book of
Faces directly here https://www.facebook.com/andrea.scott.5245 via
messenger and let me know if they will be attending the designated event,
are comfortable being recognized in Court, and need any other special
considerations. The nature of Their Royal Majesties business with the named
individuals will not be publicly announced. However, if you are an
individual who will be called into court and you have concerns about
waiting any length of time to discover why you are being called into court
- please contact me to advise you of Their Majesties court business with
you. If you are reading this list and not on it but know those on the list,
please share this information with them so that we may reach the

*Their Royal Majesties request an audience with the following people at
their courts at Their Final Court at Coronation*

   - Baron Cataldo Querini
   - Duke Christoph Krieger
   - Baroness Eadyth Woderose
   - Lord Jacques Gonse
   - Duchess Kalisa Aleksandrovna
   - Lord Lewin de Partone
   - Lady Lucinia of Southampton
   - Duchess Luned of Snowden
   - Baroness Margaret Lad
   - Baroness Marquerite de Vienne
   - Goodwife Michel Almond de Champagne
   - Lord Patris de Terra Leopri
   - Dame Rosalind Del a Mere
   - Lord Thomas Kilbryde
   - Lord Ishmael Stedfast Reed

In Service,
Dame Alexandria Wright, Court Secretary

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