[MR] BBC Travel: Dunwich, The British Town Lost to the Sea

Garth Groff and Sally Sanford mallardlodge1000 at gmail.com
Tue Mar 1 02:29:40 PST 2022

Noble Friends,

Recently BBC Travel has been offering a feature on the Sussex town of
Dunwich. Dunwich was a thriving medieval fishing port and trade center.
Much of this town was lost during massive storms in 1286 in what could be
called the real "Dunwich Horror".

Surprisingly, much of "lost" town is actually still there on the seabed a
few hundred meters from the beach. Recent underwater sonar investigations
have revealed partially intact buildings, particularly churches and
monastery buildings. Other buildings that were once on higher ground
succumbed to cliff erosion, and are now piles of submerged rubble.  Drowned
Dunwich has been called Britain's "Atlantis", but this sunken city is for

There is still a charming village at Dunwich, but like many British seaside
towns it faces an uncertain future. The relentless sea continues to eat
away at the cliffs. Both more modern buildings and historic ruins like the
14th century replacement monastery are inching closer to tumbling over the

The story is found at

Yours Aye,

Lord Mungo Napier, Laird of Mallard Lodge  🦆

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