[MR] War of the Wings - Act 1

Adrian Alma adrian_alma at yahoo.com
Tue Jun 28 08:37:49 PDT 2022



Enter Populace

Two Monarchs, both alike in earthly glory

 In fair Francia, where the tourney will begin

Shall meet in joyful combat to tell their story

 And show the pomp and prowess of their kin.

The heralds’ call will challenge noble souls to arms

 The artists’ Muse will lustrous works create,

Above pavilions grand will banners wave and charm,

 So shall come all to join in festive fete.

Two Princes of the Ages will strive in opulence

To take the field. Our tale will now commence!


KING HENRY the Eighth. Ruler of England, 28 years of age, athletic, cultured, and ambitious. 

KING FRANCOIS the First. Ruler of France, 25, equally athletic, cultured, and equally ambitious.

EMPEROR MAXIMILIAN the First. 19, ruler of Central Europe. 

QUEEN KATHERINE of Aragon, wife to Henry

QUEEN CLAUDE of France, pregnant wife to Francois

THOMAS WOLSEY, Cardinal, advisor to King Henry

GUILLAUME GOUFFIER, advisor to King Francois

LUKAS von REAUMER, Baron of Windmasters Hill, for England

ELIZABETH of ROSEWOOD, Baroness of Windmasters Hill, for England

ALAIN ap DAFYDD, Baron of Sacred Stone, for France

AZZA al-SHIRAZIYYA, Baroness of Sacred Stone, For France

ORMARR, Baron of the Court

ASTA KNARRABRINGA, Mistress of the Pelican and Autocrat

ACT I - 1520

SCENE I. Atlantia. The KINGS and QUEENS are seated on Their thrones, along with the EMPEROR. 

Enter WOLSEY and GOUFFIER. Both come into court, kneel, and stand to their monarch’s side of court. 


Most Honourable Monarchs, we see here the fruits of the Treaty of Peace, that You two both attested to in the City of London, some two years hence. So here do You mighty Princes meet, to affirm Your alliance and Your commitment to peace. How now shall it be done?


My Sovereigns, noble lords, and all folk of high station and low: Let us have fabulous contests indeed, and great feats of arms, but of sport and display, not of bloodshed and woe. Let us contend in magnificence, each side to show the highest and best of their prowess and products. We will ask for patrons and patronesses, allies upon the field, and all manner of feasts, beasts, and artisans to come together for our pagentry.


We feel it meet and proper for Our Queens to act as sponsors to the artisans and craftsmen. For as the Muses nine embodied all the Arts, so shall We encourage splendors rare and so magnificent, that the Gods of old, on Mount Olympus, would weep with envy for Our appearance. What say you, Your Majesty, Reine Claude?


Certainement, mon Soeur, I am in agreement. Our combat will be that of the needle and thread, the jewels, the pens and quills, and especially combat of spoon and ladle. Thus all will proper and rejoice in the victories upon our field of endeavours, n’est-ce pas?


And We will have need of allies upon this field of amicable tourney. We will require all manner of martial men and women to assist us. We call now for fighters of sword and epee and steel, and of course, our famous English archers.


Also We wish for siege weaponry, and melee combatants. Perhaps even wrestling? My estate in France is famous for its wrestlers.  

Who shall be the first to declare for Our Kingdom?


Your loyal Baronie of Sacree Stone is here to answer Your Call, mon Roi! We declare ourselves allied to Your noble cause, and we humbly request the honour of having Your allies arrayed in the colour VERT, the colour of our Barony. Aside:  that is the color GREEN, in the coarse speech of le Anglais


We grant your heartfelt wish, and thus Our side shall be arrayed in Vert, and let green banners announce Our presence upon the field and town.


We will commence with all haste, to bring glory to Our Kingdom, with magnificence. Vive le France!


And who will declare for England? We would not wish to appear wanting in stalwart allies in front of Our cousin of France.


I proudly request that honour to be mine, My liege. Your Barony of Windmasters Hill was first in precedence when Atlantia was formed, many years ago, and we will be first to stand up for England. 


Let us suggest GOLD to signify for England – the gold of our wheat fields, the gold of the jewelry that adorns our gracious Queen, the gold of the sun that will surely shine upon our event. Aside: that is OR, in the barbarous language of the French.


Thus it is declared – GOLD for England, the Barony of Windmasters Hill, and St George!


VERT pour France, le Baronnie de Sacree Stone, and Jeanne d’Arc!


Do we know of a place that will be large enough to accommodate such an event?


There is a vast field, neutral ground between English-owned Guînes and the French town of Ardres. It was owned originally by a lord of German descent, and is called ELCHENBURG. Will that do?


That sounds an excellent solution. But we will need a go-between, a courtier of note in both Baronies, to 

assist in arrangements. I know of a man, well- liked in both Kingdoms, Baron Ormarr Raumsson. Perhaps he will be suitable?


Here am I. How may I be of service to Crown and Kingdom? I am aware each of you has some claim upon my person. I have lived in both Baronies and am familiar with the customs and language of each. I would be happy to convey missives and facilitate. Please do not fight over me!


Then, as each of the Kingdom’s baronies have heraldic devices with winged creatures, let us have this grand Tourney of the Field of the Cloth of Gold take place at War of the Wings, at Elchenburg, in the year 1520, 11 October through 16 October. Let us prepare for 6 days of celebrations and tournaments where Our Kings Henry and François will show-off Their skill, wealth, and sophistication. 

Here ends the Courts of Their Majesties, Henry and Katherine, and of Les Majestes, Francois and Claude.


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