[MR] Scrivener Royal Sponsored Competitions

Renee Hougey renee.hougey at gmail.com
Fri Jan 7 17:57:18 PST 2022

Greetings from the Scrivener Royal!

Atlantia's Scribes are some of the most skilled in the known world,
creating works of great beauty as a matter of course. Every slideshow is
awe-inspiring and every scroll I have seen in the past year has been
magnificent. I come to challenge you to two mighty competitions, fit for
the pens of Atlantia.

Competition 1: Period Eye for the Modern Scribe
The first competition shall be a challenge to use any new-to-you pigment or
tool in any scroll blank. Documentation of the tool/supply, at least one
source for an exemplar, and the scribe's analysis of the tool/supply
required. Scroll need not be complete. Submit entries between February 12th
- 26th. First prize is a gift card for NaturalPigments.com

Competition 2: Scribal Splendor
In our first competition, we address the personal, historical element. In
our second, we address the beauty of scribal. Enter the fanciest
traditional scroll you can muster for a kingdom or baronial award that is
awarded before March 22nd, 2022. Documentation encouraged. Entries accepted
from March 7th-March 21st. First prize is a shell gold tablet.

With respect and joy,
Cyneswith the Quiet

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