[MR] Wikipedia: Coronation of Edward III

Garth Groff and Sally Sanford mallardlodge1000 at gmail.com
Tue Feb 1 04:49:12 PST 2022

Noble Friends,

On this date in 1327, Edward III was crowned King of England. He was just
14, so his mother Isabella of France and her lover Roger Mortimer actually
ruled in Edward's name. And there in hangs an interesting tale.

King Edward II had not been much of a monarch, and frequently quarreled
with his barons, especially over the king's favorites like Piers Galveston,
who may or may not have also been the king's lover. Eventually Edward II
was deposed by Isabella and Mortimer, who forced him to abdicate in favor
of his son.

The ink was barely dry on the abdication document when Mortimer had the
ex-king jugged at Berkeley Castle in Gloucestershire in the "care" of
Thomas de Berkeley (Mortimer's son-in-law). There on 21 September 1327 the
ex-king, now styled Edward of Caernarvon, died. Supposedly he perished from
natural causes, but if so they were very convenient causes. There was a
rumor, later given new life by Shakespeare, that the former king had
expired after a red-hot poker was stuffed into his rear end as punishment
for his alleged relationship with Gavleston. Or maybe he was starved to
death. Nothing was ever proven.

Three years later, Edward III was still under the thumb of Mortimer who had
gained great power during his "rule". Edward finally struck back at
Mortimer on 19 October 1330. The young king and some trusted companions
surprised Mortimer and Isabella during a parliament at Nottingham Castle.
Mortimer was taken to the Tower and hanged from the Tyburn gallows without
trial on 29 November 1330. Isabella was imprisoned, but released two years
later and died in 1358 at Hertford Castle.

Edward III went on to stir up the Hundred Years War against France, but
that is a tale too big for the Merry Rose.

You can learn more about Edward III at
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edward_III_of_England .

Yours Aye,

Lord Mungo Napier, Laird of Mallard Lodge  🦆

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