[MR] Happy Holidays from Triton

Eldred AElfwald dragonazure at yahoo.com
Fri Dec 24 10:30:44 PST 2021

Greetings and Holiday Wishes from the Triton Principal Herald!

I am pleased to announce on the behalf of Their Majesties that I have a successor: Meisterin Gisela vom Kreuzbach.  Thank you to the worthy candidates who sent in their Letters of Intent and we are all grateful for your willingness to serve.  The changeover will occur at Kingdom 12th Night.

Thank you again to the College of Heralds and Scribes for your support during my tenure as Triton.  I am pleased to have such capable staff and local heralds to help see us all through during the pandemic and I am proud of you all.  We have some excellent Court heralds that I hope to see continue their excellence, and I am happy to see that we still have a good record of names and armory being registered on the first try.  We have good consulting and commenting heralds who help make that happen! 

To the scribes of Atlantia, you have truly astounded me and the Known World with your skills and talents.  It truly has been a pleasure and a privilege to see your work.

Vivat Meisterin Gisela vom Kreuzbach! Vivat Atlantia!

In service,
Magister Eldred Ælfwald

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