[MR] Unevent - College of Heralds meeting

Eldred AElfwald dragonazure at yahoo.com
Fri Dec 4 16:06:13 PST 2020


As has been previously noted, Unevent this weekend! The College of Heralds meeting is scheduled for 12:45 on Saturday. The meeting is open to more than just warranted heralds. Anyone with an interest in heraldry and what the College does is welcome to join us.
The link is https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81757385961?pwd=ZncvNnhiQ0thRWl6QSt0dU5mYzFSdz09

There was a last minute switch from Google Meet to Zoom, so if you go to the Virtual Atlantia link and it sends you to Google Meet, Ealdthryth will monitor the Google Meetings and get to you to the right place.

If you are a warranted herald and are unable to attend, please send a proxy, or attend my Office Hour following the meeting. I will hold an Office Hour that will be at 1:45 on Saturday. If you have a specific concern or want to discuss any Heraldic topic, please join me during that time.
Key topics will be Virtual Courts, getting involved in heraldic commentary, protocols for in-person Courts when we reopen, University classes, and the Clerk Signet will have a meeting for the College of Scribes at 3pm on Saturday.

In service,

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