[MR] Changes in Atlantia's heraldic submissions

Eldred AElfwald dragonazure at yahoo.com
Sun Aug 30 17:58:22 PDT 2020

Greetings from Triton!

I have a few announcements that are important to note about the submissions process.  First, please join me in thanking Lady Gwenhwyfar Weale for her work as Ibis, preparing the Internal Letters of Intent over the last several months.  She has had to step down and submissions should now be sent directly to Golden Dolphin:
Golden Dolphin Herald
PO Box 915
Troy, VA   22974

It is also with sadness that I note that Lady Catherine Ambrose has also stepped down as Opal.  Please join me in thanking her for taking on the job of notifying people about the decisions made on their submissions.  M'lord Roderick Mund will be stepping into the office of Opal as her designated deputy.

Some further notes with regard to submissions, please make sure that a valid email address for the consulting herald is included on each submission.  Also, please make sure payment is included with each submission--if we don't receive payment, we will not proceed with the process and it will delay the submission (not to mention make Golden Dolphin's job much harder by forcing him to keep track of who still owes money).

In service,

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